The Hawaiʻi Afterschool Alliance, in collaboration with the Charles S. Mott Foundation, is offering funding of up to $5,000 for the school year to increase youth entrepreneurship opportunities for youth through afterschool programs across Hawaiʻi. Organizations may apply for one or more program sites that serve 6-12th grade youth. This funding will enhance afterschool programs during the 2022-2023 school year.
With the huge hit to the tourism industry, Hawaii is looking to diversify its economy and become more sustainable. Entrepreneurial education provides an opportunity to allow youth to explore new career options and social enterprises while being grounded in a sense of Hawaii. We know afterschool programs can help provide opportunities for youth to develop 21st Century skills, including grit, resiliency, communication, and teamwork, and graduate from high school ready to solve problems and contribute to their communities.
Awarded programs are encouraged to collaborate with their school, existing afterschool programs, and community/business partners when creating or enhancing their entrepreneurial programming. In addition to the funding, the Hawaiʻi Afterschool Alliance will provide the awardees training opportunities, free curriculum, and technical assistance.