The 21st Century Community Learning Centers National Technical Assistance Center is the premier place for out-of-school time professionals to learn, receive resources, and engage with peers and experts.
The 50 State Afterschool Network fosters partnerships and policies to develop, support, and sustain high-quality opportunities for children and youth. Explore key resources and research about the power of afterschool and summer learning. The national Afterschool Alliance is also a great source for research and advocacy tools.
Mizzen Education, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit on a mission to empower, uplift, and support out-of-school time educators. Built with practitioners, their digital platform of curated learning resources offers thousands of K-12 activities—for free—that spark curiosity, joy, and a love of learning for young people everywhere. From STEM, art, and youth voice to digital and media literacy, find it all on Mizzen Education.
Project: Head, Neck, Spine (HNS) works to provide a standards-based resource specifically focused on head, neck, and spine injuries, recognition, awareness, and education. HNS is available in three levels: Lower elementary (grades 2-3), Upper elementary (grades 4-5), and Middle/High School (grades 6-12).
The mission of Mental Health America of Hawaii is to promote mental wellness through education, advocacy, and service. They endeavor to reduce the stigma of mental illness and improve the overall care, treatment and empowerment of those with mental illnesses – children, adults, elders – and their families.
The Ceeds of Peace Toolkit is an important part of Ceeds of Peace's 360º approach to raising to a generation of peacebuilding leaders. It is designed for use by parents/caregivers, teachers, and community members who interact with young people. It enables you to put knowledge into action with concrete efforts you can start today and continue every day. This Toolkit is a collection of activities, lessons, conversation starters, games, discussion topics, projects, and techniques that foster learning and growth of the seven core “Ceeds”.
MOST's College and Career Readiness Toolkit is a comprehensive guide to help middle and high school out-of-school-time programs get laser focused on building 21st century skills and supporting young people as they navigate through the complex world of planning for their advanced education and careers.
They will be adding free and low cost professional development resources including videos, online courses and opportunities for live virtual training. |
EiE Curriculum develops research-based, classroom- tested programs that empower children to become lifelong STEM learners and passionate problem solvers. They have STEM activities/ programs for PreK to 8th graders and `seek to instill confidence and problem solving-skills in students.
EIE also offers various engineering programs and has a partnership with NASA for a STEM in Space program |
Hawaii Prevention Resource Center (HIPRC) serves as Hawaii’s center for alcohol, tobacco, and other drug prevention educational materials and resources. HIPRC has a lending library, clearinghouse, references, and technical assistance services. The HIPRC clearinghouse disseminates free materials such as brochures, pamphlets, and statewide directories on-site, by mail, and through information booths at community events, health fairs, school events, presentations, and meetings.
The Hawaii State Public Library System nurtures a lifelong love of reading and learning through its staff, collections, programs, services, and physical and virtual spaces. The Hawaii State Public Library System is the educational, informational, and cultural heart of Hawaii’s communities.
The Parent Line is a free Statewide confidential telephone line. We are Hawaii’s premier resource on child behavior, child development, parenting, caregiver support, and community resources. Our experienced phone line staff will help you problem-solve parenting challenges and child and adolescent behavior.
The Special Parent Information Network (SPIN) is a parent to parent organization in Hawaii that provides information, support, and referral to parents of children and young adults with disabilities and the professionals who serve them. The Special Parent Information Network represents a unique partnership between the Disability and Communication Access Board and the Department of Education.
Parents for Public Schools Hawaii is an organization of parents, educators, community leaders, policy makers, and other stakeholders in Hawai‘i public education. They work collaboratively to improve and support public education in Hawai‘i by increasing family and community engagement through programs, events, and other activities. They also work with key decision makers to advocate for policies that increase educational opportunities for parents, families, and children.
Hale Kipa operates several types of shelters on O‘ahu offering emergency services for youth up to age 18. Shelters are open to youth who have been abused, or are neglected, homeless, or facing a personal crisis. All emergency shelters accept self-referrals as well as referrals from Child Protective Services, Family Court, parents, and youth agencies.
TAP808 provides outreach education and workshops about teen dating violence, healthy relationships, and community intervention strategies. TAP808 also provides individualized advocacy support for teens and young adults experiencing dating violence. They serve anyone in Hawai'i between the ages of 12 and 21, who is experiencing, at risk for, or has been affected by dating violence.
The TeenLink Hawaii goal is to provide an effective youth-focused program promoting positive youth development through peer leadership and support, access to relevant information and resources, and connection to a caring social network. The TLH website serves as the home base for the TLH program and provides credible, evidence-based information regarding teen issues/interests (school/college, sexuality, violence, substance abuse, suicide/depression, mental health, physical wellness.)
Hawai‘i Afterschool Alliance
University of Hawai‘i
1776 University Avenue, WA1-102 Honolulu, HI 96822 808-956-6515 |