Join the Hawai‘i Afterschool Alliance's four-part training series on SEL, behavioral management, and threat assessment with Leslie Baunach and Traci Effinger from the Hawai‘i Association of School Psychologists. This training is designed for afterschool and youth development professionals and educators. Each session will build off each other and culminate with a Community of Practice session for participants to ask questions, reflect and share challenges or successes in implementing what they’ve learned. While some sessions will be recorded, we highly encourage people to attend all four sessions.
Wednesday, January 19, 10:00 - 11:30 AM OR Wednesday, January 26, 3:30 - 5:00 PM
This interactive session focuses on positive behavior supports and strategies to use with students to improve social-emotional outcomes. Participants will be encouraged to consider how they promote strong connections with students and strategies that work to increase their positive habits (e.g., social connections, self-care strategies) and decrease negative responses (e.g., fear, anxiety). These foundational skills will help to promote healthy student behavioral functioning.
*We are offering this session twice, so please register for the time that works best for your schedule. You only need to attend once. Due to the interactive nature of this session, a recording will not be available.
Wednesday, February 9, 10:00 - 11:30 AM
This training reviews a range of evidence-based strategies for application by teachers, afterschool professionals and other support staff to reduce disruptive and challenging behaviors in their educational or out-of-school time setting. These include a number of strategies intended to help minimize the emergence of problematic behaviors and a range of those which provide positive outcomes for appropriate youth behaviors.
*This session will be recorded.
Wednesday, February 23, 10:00 - 11:30 AM
According to the U.S. Department of Education: Guide for developing high-quality school emergency operations plans (2013), research shows that perpetrators of targeted acts of violence engage in both covert and overt behaviors preceding their attacks. They consider, plan, prepare, share, and in some cases, move on to action. One of the most useful tools a school or facility can develop to identify, evaluate, and address these troubling signs is to develop a systematic way to addressing threats. The threat assessment initiative serves to protect the interest of those students or people involved in the incident and assist with follow through of aftercare. *This session will be recorded.
Wednesday, March 23, 10:00 - 11:30 AM
This session will provide follow up and Q&A time for the threat assessment, social emotional learning, and basic behavior management sessions previously attended. It will provide a space where people can share the challenges or successes they’ve had in implementing what things they’ve learned and also hold each other accountable to make changes. *This session will NOT be recorded.
Questions? Please contact [email protected] for more information or recordings.