Celebrating Lights On Afterschool is more important now than ever to showcase the importance of afterschool programs and the hard work the out-of-school time community invests in providing for our keiki and ‘ōpio! This toolkit has some ideas and options to celebrate with us whether you’re virtual or in-person!
💡 Register Your Lights on Afterschool Celebrations 💡
When you register your event as an official Lights On Afterschool celebration, you’ll receive an event starter kit, which includes 10 free posters to help you promote your event, and make you eligible for cool prizes each week. |
💡 Take the #LightbulbChallenge 💡
Take a photo with your youth (in-person or on zoom) or have them take their own photos posing like a lightbulb. You can download our Lights On Zoom backgrounds if you’re meeting virtually. Post the photo(s) to social media with the hashtags #LightsOnAfterschool #LightsOnHI #LightbulbChallenge |
💡Hold a Letter Writing Campaign💡
Youth and family members can use their voice to make a difference and educate key leaders on the importance of afterschool programs. Create a letter writing campaign to policymakers in their community to encourage them to support afterschool programs. |
💡Challenge Your Students to a Dance Challenge💡
Want more ways to celebrate?🎉 |
Hawai‘i Afterschool Alliance
University of Hawai‘i
1776 University Avenue, WA1-102 Honolulu, HI 96822 808-956-6515 |