Native Hawaiian Women in STEM: Past, Present, and Future STEM Activity Guide
Drawing from the Million Girls Moonshot initiative and its innovative, gender-inclusive tools, this guide aims to engage and inspire girls and other underrepresented youth. The Hawaiʻi Afterschool Alliance, in collaboration with the Pacific American Foundation, has compiled this activities. Many are inspired by curricula from the Kōkua Hawaiʻi Foundation, 4-H (both nationally and locally in Hawaiʻi), FEAST (Food Experiences for Agricultural Science Teaching), and the Pacific American Foundation, among other organizations. Each adaptation is credited accordingly throughout the guide.
In this Guide, you will find activities, resources, and much more to choose from and adapt to your afterschool settings. This Guide is designed for 13-15-year-olds and will have moʻolelo and stories of Native Hawaiian women past and present who have innovated, created, and problem-solved issues in the community and environment.
Click below for Resources and Tools included in guide